World of Warcraft Current Projects 
Undermine Exchange (née Oribos Exchange) - Since 2020
another auction house stats tool for World of Warcraft, this one uses the in-game UI for aesthetics and filtering functionality.
DB2 Reader - Since 2016
php library to read DB2 and ADB files used in World of Warcraft data mining
CASC Extractor - Since 2017
php command line utility to extract files from World of Warcraft CASC archives
Auction House CSV - Since 2020
generates CSV files of auction house snapshots
API Discussion RSS and
API Bug Report RSS Blue Trackers - Since 2015
rss feeds for Blizzard staff posts in the Blizzard API forums
Other Current Projects
Philips Hue Controller - Since 2015
controls a
hue bridge on your local network. optimized for mobile browsers.
Polestar Community Announcements RSS - Since 2023
rss feed of the announcements posted on
Polestar's community forum
In the News
WoW Insider - 15 Minutes of Fame Oct 11th 2012
World of Warcraft Past Projects
Quick Armory - 2007-2010
a quick alternative to viewing vital stats on World of Warcraft characters. closed with patch 4.0.1.
The Undermine Journal - 2010-2023
the source for auction house information in World of Warcraft. Listings updated once every hour.
WoW Token Info - 2015-2020
graphs the price of WoW Tokens in all 5 offered regions of World of Warcraft. Updated multiple times per hour. Includes
Twitter feed. All gathered data before closure in
this zip file with CSVs per region.
Does the API Work? - 2016-2023
provides a status page for whether the Battle.net Auction House API is operational (since the API is often broken to some degree). Updated multiple times per hour.
CASC Gateway - 2020-2024
web service using the CASC library to serve WoW game data via HTTP
World of Warcraft Addons List - 2007
a vbscript which will search through your World of Warcraft addon folders and list all their details.
Arena Points Calculator - 2007
enter your World of Warcraft arena rating, and it will tell you how many arena points you will earn for the week.
Thotthead - 2008
Greasemonkey script for Firefox to show Thottbot comments/screenshots on Wowhead pages.
Wowhead/FreeWithMats - 2008
Greasemonkey script for Firefox to show characters who can craft items on Wowhead pages.
Ars Technica World of Warcraft Players - 2007-2011
a list of players from the Ars Technica forums. automatically updated.
Guild Bank Stats - 2007
online tool to parse World of Warcraft Armory Guild Bank Logs and generate useful summary information.
a history and rss feed of World of Warcraft server and status messages.
TradeChat.info - 2015
would record and display in-game trade chat channel discussions from World of Warcraft across all realms 24/7. observed about a dozen realms for about a week before Blizzard banned all the bots and we both decided to stop the project.
MageTower.info - 2017
displays the status of player community buildings in all 5 offered regions of World of Warcraft. Updated multiple times per hour.
Realm Pop - 2012-2019
shows you population statistics on the players' characters in World of Warcraft. Supports all guilded characters on all US and EU realms. Continually updated.
Booty Bay Gazette - 2019-2021
the source for auction house information in World of Warcraft Classic. Listings updated once every two hours.
Goblinventory - 2012
online tool and World of Warcraft addon to post and share your inventory from your bags, bank, guild bank, and void storage. built to withstand the heavy traffic it never got.
discussion thread here.
Phenix Armory - 2012
the return of Quick Armory, with a completely client-side layout builder. again built to withstand heavy traffic, which it was never really expected to get anyway. closed due to lack of interest in updating after patches.
source code discussion here.
Classic Realm Queues - 2019-2021
provides a status page showing recent login queue depth for realms in World of Warcraft Classic
Uncommon Tooltips - 2017-2019
World of Warcraft tooltip library using the Blizzard API
Transmog Fashion - 2011-2014
an automated tumblelog of random transmogged characters in World of Warcraft. Updated 6 times per day. also posts to Twitter as
@wow_ebookstwitter bot that assembles random snippets of World of Warcraft quest text, in the fashion of @Horse_ebooks. Updated randomly every day.
@RollingRestarts - 2016-2022
tweets breaking news from the US World of Warcraft login screen. Abbreviates message to fit a single tweet, and attaches the verbatim text in an image.
Other Past Projects
Comics - 2000-?
daily comics, both print- and web-published, in one convenient place.
Live! With Kelly Transcript - 2013-2023
automated closed-captioning capture, parse, and post, intended to facilitate answering on-show trivia questions asked about the previous episode
Cinemark + Rotten Tomatoes - 2012
Greasemonkey script for Firefox to show the Rotten Tomatoes rating on Cinemark showtimes pages.
Unofficial Wii Virtual Console Store Listing - 2007
a simple table and RSS feed of available games, straight from the source. updated 4 times a day, more often on monday.
Joe Snedeker's Morning Forecast - 2007-2011
a history and rss feed of the weather forecasts by Joe Snedeker of WNEP.
@LowerThirdLive - 2017
twitter bot that parses the "lower third" text on CNN, crops them, and tweets unique text regularly, as it is broadcast.
Lower Third Live - 2017
watches CNN and posts the latest images of searchable "lower third" text as they appear.
@Lottery4PA - 2017-2019
tweets screenshots of the evening drawings of the Pennsylvania Lottery, immediately as they air on television.
ChronoSubs - 2018
lists videos from your YouTube subscriptions in chronological order.
@RealDonaldContext - 2016-2018
tweets screenshots of context and corrections, written by The Washington Post staff, of Donald Trump's tweets.
OAuth Redirect Bounce - 2017
app developers can use an https server as an OAuth callback redirect URL for custom schemes.